Tuesday, February 22, 2011

24...the gym not the show.

Confession: Getting me to the gym is like giving a cat a bath, it may need it, but its gonna take A LOT of effort to get it done.

I love the after gym high of working out but I can never seem to get my butt in the car and on the machine. It's horrible. I'll never look the way I want at this rate, but hey a day at a time right? Someday I will have the body of my dreams...maybe if I can switch my addiction to Hershey's hugs to an addiction to the tredmill...I'll let you know how that goes.

There is one upside to when I go to the gym and that would be my beautiful best friend A. She works at the gym and whenever I actually do get my backside to the gym I get to see her beautiful face. I love her. We've been friends for I don't even know how long and have been through almost everything together or apart. I haven't seen her as much lately cause of school and work but whenever we do get together nothing has changed and I love it. Friends like that are priceless. Seriously. You can always count on them. I have been blessed with a few of those. Why am I so lucky?

Love you beautiful.

picture of us circa 2006 or 2007

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