Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Miss Webb.

So I know I've seriously disappeared from the blog world lately.
Sorry! Summer was fun, but uneventful. I was a nanny to the cutest girls, I read A LOT, spent time with great friends, and just hung out and relaxed.

Let me tell you it's a good thing I recharged.
These last 5 days in Provo have literally been the most insane of my life.
I spend, I kid you not around 12 hours each day trying to get ready for school. I had no idea it would be this hard. I've been on the verge of tears too many times to count, and my to-do list gets longer, not any shorter, each and every day.
Thursday and Friday of next week I really thought I was going to lose it. I thought I would burn out before the kids even stepped in the door, and sometimes I still feel that way.

BUT, I have found a new strength I never knew I had.
It's real.
In 5 short days I'll be a teacher.
The day after tomorrow is back to school night, and I'll actually meet them.

The class list went up today, which means that 26 little people came to see who their 4th grade teacher was and saw my name.
That is so weird and wonderful.
This is everything I've spent the last 3 years working for and I can't believe its finally happening.

ps: don't expect me to have a social life this year, cause I don't. I literally work till I drop, and that probably isn't changing anytime soon. But hey, what can you do? That's life

keep smiling :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you!! Post lots about your adventures in the classroom.

    Also,what books have you read? I'm always looking for more good reads.
