Saturday, October 3, 2009

Living Vicariously Through the Friends...

So as fall rolls on here at the Y it brings new crushes and new relationships and all the wonderful things that go along with it. First date, first hand hold, first kiss...well, this isn't my lot in life currently, but this would be the place that a couple of my lucky friends are currently in. Over the last few days i've seen first hand holds, heard about first kisses at about 1 in the morning :) its all so fun and so wonderful and i couldn't be more happy for these girls in my life. I know that one day it'll be my turn, so until then i just live vicariously through them and am so happy for them, and love being here every step of the way :)

conference tomorrow! i can't wait!




  1. who had their first kiss/ hand hold!!! TELL ME J!!! ahh

  2. no one you know bex, no worries, just some of my new roommates :)
