Tuesday, February 14, 2012


It's crazy how life can be completely falling apart and then little things happen to remind you it's all going to be ok.
My life has been a roller coaster lately. Everything always seems to be going wrong. There is so much to worry about and not enough time in the day to worry sufficiently.
Like how in the world am I going to finish this stupid independent study class so I can graduate? No idea....maybe I should get on that.
And then there's other things like where in the world would I live next year?
Guess what, that one worked out perfectly.
My family is going through trials and I'm not there to help.
Certain things at home are slowly working themselves out for the best.
Observations have not been the greatest and I feel like I'm in a teaching rut.
Monday went really well and I've been more motivated to find new and exciting things for my kids to do.
Thanks Heavenly Father.
Will I get a job next year? Where will I work? Will I like my new roommates? Will I ever actually have a valentine?
A whole new wave of worries.
That's life I guess.


ps: I hate Valentine's day. Hate it. It's the worst holiday ever. (I probably feel this way because I've never had a valentine).
Guess what..when you're a teacher Valentines is the best. I got Sees chocolate, a balloon, a rose, soap, and endless amounts of candy.
Who needs a boyfriend?
I've got great kids.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

once upon a time.

Once upon a time...

I lived in the dorms at Helamen Halls...at one of the first activities I met some wonderful girls...

We all had a lot of great times together....
One of these girls is named Ashley Janeal, I'm Janelle Ashley, we bonded instantly.
We even have a picture of the first time we all met.

Becca, Janelle, Ashley, Hilary

We all had a lot of fun together that year...
We played in the snow...

Shared a love for BYU basketball and of course Jimmer Fredette

Went to dance parties...

Went of vacation to my favorite place....Danville

And we studied really hard.

Then freshman year ended and some things changed.
Becca got married!

And the rest of us went back to school.
We still stayed in touch.
Random trips to Costa Vida helped.

Then Hilary went on a mission.
And Junior year started.
That included Jason Reeves concerts...

and trips to the Cannon Center to relive the glory days!

Finally we were at Senior year.

And Karissa decided she wanted to go on a mission too.

So it was down to the three of us...Stacy, Ashley, and myself.
I had never in my life had a set of girls I was so close to. They became my family.
To say I'm blessed to know them would be an understatement.

Today I got an exciting text message from Ash. It was a picture of her finger and it had a ring on it. She is marrying Derek, a boy from our freshman ward she basically crushed on all year. It's the cutest.
Here we all are at the temple, Derek is the tall one in back. Little did he know that he would be marrying one of the most amazing people I know.

I can't believe where life has taken us all and will yet take us. I am so excited for her and Derek.
May 24th 2012...it's gonna be big.
